🥳 Feature complete: everything about displaying text and labels is finished

I've been more or less ignoring the text-rendering part of the project ever since we got to "can display an FPS counter" since throughout development that's all I needed. I have finally caught up and finished everything that I had planned related to displaying text inside a game.


I've been more or less ignoring the text-rendering part of the project ever since we got to "can display an FPS counter" since throughout development that's all I needed, but that was absolutely not enough even for a first release 🤣. I finally caught up and finished everything that I had planned related to displaying text inside a game.

This week I added:

  • Support for loading and caching custom fonts from *.ttf file assets
  • Support for text rotation
  • Typewriter animation effect
  • Smart word wrapping based on a container's pixel-width
  • Justifying multiline text to the center of a rect
  • Functions to measure the dimensions (width, height, center point and y-offset) of a chunk of text (even if it's rotated, or virtual and not displayed)
  • Adjustable padding (line-spacing) between lines
  • Drawing text onto specific entity layers and render targets
  • Linewise scrolling to prevent text from overflowing the pixel-height of a container

I'm also working on a basic RPG dialog scripting package that you'll be able to drop right into your own games. Until then, you can find this helpful example in examples/dialogue

You can see it in action above.